
‘Yellow treasure’ found on the red planet, NASA’s rover accidentally made a big discovery on Mars, scientists are also surprised

Washington: NASA has been working on Mars research for a long time. Meanwhile, NASA has found something on Mars, which is no less than a treasure. Scientists are surprised to see it. This yellow treasure has been found in a rock on Mars. NASA’s Curiosity rover accidentally broke the rock. After the rock broke, the rover saw a surprising thing in it. NASA’s rover weighs 899 kg. When the wheel of such a heavy rover fell on a rock, it broke. When the rover’s cameras saw it, they found crystals of pure sulfur. These yellow crystals were shining. Although sulfates are quite common on Mars, this is the first time that sulfur has been found in its pure form on the red planet.

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What interests scientists the most is the discovery of this rock in the Geddes Vallis Channel. This area is full of rocks that may be suspiciously full of sulfur. This discovery suggests that elemental sulfur may be abundant in some places. Curiosity project scientist Ashwin Vasavada of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory says, ‘Finding an area of ​​rocks made of pure sulfur is like finding water in a desert.’

What did the scientist say?

He further said, ‘This should not happen, so now we have to understand it. The discovery of strange and unexpected things is what makes planetary exploration so exciting.’ According to, sulfates are formed when sulfur mixes with other minerals in water and then evaporates, leaving sulfate minerals behind. These minerals can provide valuable information about the history of Mars, especially its watery history and its weather over time.

Mars is full of mysteries

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However, very special conditions are needed for pure sulfur to form. A condition that scientists never thought would occur in this region of Mars. These sulfur crystals found on Mars show that there is a lot on the Red Planet, about which we have no idea. It is very important to understand that sulfur is an essential element for all life. However, the presence of sulfur on Mars does not indicate that there was life here. Curiosity analyzed the rocks through its instruments. If the rover had not gone on this path, such a big discovery would never have been made.