
You will get 16 lakhs for lying on the bed for 2 months, this is a unique job for those who sleep

There is no dearth of unique jobs in the world. These days, a unique job has come up in Europe, which has surprised everyone. Let us inform you that the European Space Agency and NASA are doing a unique research these days. In this, research is being done to reduce the effect of low gravity on space passengers. 12 people have been selected as volunteers for this unique research. Those who complete the 2-month research will be given ($18,500) i.e. about 16 lakh rupees. Volunteers do not have to do any work, they just have to sleep on the bed for 2 months. This unique research has become a topic of discussion all over the world. On social media, some people are calling this work very easy, while some are saying that lying on the bed continuously for two months is not an easy task, it is a tiring task.

Researchers Are Looking For Volunteer To Lay In Bed For 2 Months, Will Be  Paid Rs. 11 Lakh

You just have to do this work
Let us inform you that the volunteers will have to eat, bathe and freshen up on the bed itself. You will not be able to leave the bed for even a moment for 2 months. Not only this, the volunteers will have to eat food while lying down. At least one shoulder of the bed should be there while taking bath. They will not be allowed to leave the bed under any circumstances. That is, they will have to do these tasks while lying down like an astronaut. Let us inform you that the bed on which the volunteers have to spend two months is also not very comfortable. You are not allowed to keep a pillow in it. On the contrary, this bed will be tilted 6 degrees downwards from the head side. Due to which the feet of the volunteers will be above and the head will be below. The volunteers participating in the research will also have to do workouts lying down for two months. A bicycle has been specially made for this, which can be ridden while lying down.

Researchers Are Looking For People Who Can Lie In Bed For 2 Months, To Pay  11 Lakh

The research is related to health
According to the European Space Agency, the purpose of this research is related to the health of astronauts. Actually, the scientists going into space feel low gravity there, that is, they do not feel the weight of their body at all. Due to which their mental and physical health gets affected and after coming back to earth, many space scientists start facing problems in their eyes and other body parts. In this research, volunteers will be given an environment exactly like space and their health will be continuously monitored to see which activities are having a good or bad effect on their health.