
The Earth is changing its motion, days will be longer and nights will be shorter, know what will change?

The Earth is changing its motion which is a matter of concern for humans. Let us tell you that the speed of melting of ice in the polar region has increased a lot and its effect is now being seen on the speed of the Earth. The new study has revealed that the speed of the Earth is now slowing down, due to which it is going to affect the time of day and night. According to scientists, now the days will be longer and nights will be shorter. Ice is melting rapidly in Greenland and Antarctic region and water is going towards the equator, due to which an increase in the mass of the Earth has been recorded.

Explore & Teach: How Day and Night on Earth is Caused

A recent study by ETH Zurich has made shocking revelations about climate change. The study report of Nature Geoscience states that due to climate change, significant changes are being seen in the rotation and axis of the Earth. Due to the slowing down of the Earth’s speed and the change in its axis, the duration of day and night is changing. Professor Benedikt Soja, who led the study, wrote in the study report that the Earth’s speed is slowing down due to the mass moving away from the Earth’s axis.

A day on Earth is now shorter than 24 hours. Here's why - India Today

According to the new study, the length of the day is increasing due to the slowing down of the Earth’s speed. At the same time, nights have started getting shorter. If this condition remains, the situation may get worse in the future. The study has made shocking revelations, according to which, by the end of the 21st century, the Earth will become so hot that its effect will be more than the pull of the moon. Since the year 1900, the days have become 0.8 milliseconds longer due to climate change and if the emission of greenhouse gases continues to increase in this way, then by the year 2100, the days will start becoming 2.2 milliseconds longer due to climate change alone.