
What do astronauts eat to survive in space, does the taste of things eaten on Earth change?

Melbourne: What do astronauts eat to survive while in space, does the taste of things eaten on Earth change after going to space? These are questions that are interesting and intriguing as well as very important in terms of knowledge. Scientists also often say that eating in space is not fun. The food that tastes great on Earth can be dull and boring in space orbit. In fact, despite a carefully designed diet for astronauts, they often do not eat enough to meet their energy needs. Then how do they survive?

According to The Conversation report, scientists conducted some experiments on Earth to find out, using virtual reality (VR) and a simulated spacecraft environment to study how space travel can affect a person’s sense of smell and food experience. found that certain odors seem more intense in a space-like environment – ​​and earlier theories about how zero gravity affects the body may not tell the whole story. The results, published in the International Journal of Food Science and Technology, could help design future space menus. Eating is a complex experience Eating is a multi-sensory experience that involves sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch.

Eating in space: Learn about space food | Canadian Space Agency

The experience of eating is different in space

To enjoy the taste of food – say, when biting into an apple – we need a combination of sensations, including taste (sweet, sour), smell (the complex combination of apple aromas), texture (crunch), color (red, green, etc.) and touch (firmness). If any of these senses are dulled, our enjoyment of food will not be the same. The experience of eating in space is very different from our experience on Earth. One possible explanation for why astronauts experience taste differently involves the lack of gravity. Without gravity, bodily fluids are not pulled towards the feet but are transferred towards the head, causing a sensation like a blocked nose. If you’ve ever had a cold, you know how difficult it is to taste and enjoy food without the sense of smell. But could there be other reasons for this?

What do astronauts eat to survive?

1.7 kg of food is sent daily for each astronaut. Of this, the container weighs 450 grams. Due to the lack of gravity in space, all the food prepared for them is prepared keeping zero gravity in mind. A container has to be finished within 2 days. Because after that it is no longer edible. The packaging of the food is radiation resistant. So that it does not fall prey to bacteria or fungus after going into space. The food of astronauts mostly consists of dry fruits, apricot food. It is made quite dry and moisture-free. It tastes like fruit. It contains ready-to-eat items. All the beverages are in powder form, which need to be mixed with hot water to drink. Astronauts have to eat very little food.