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United Nations. While praising the importance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), India has drawn attention to the role of Pakistan and China and said that both the countries are trying to weaken it. India’s UN Mission Charge d’Affaires R Ravindra in an address to the Security Council on Friday stressed the need to respect territorial integrity and linked terrorism to Pakistan without naming any country.

He said, “Some countries are using terrorism as a state policy, such an approach is likely to affect cooperation on multilateral forums including the SCO.” He said, “India has consistently advocated respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity for connectivity and infrastructure projects.” Ravindra was referring to Chinese projects in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

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He was speaking at a Security Council meeting convened by Russia. Ravindra said, “India attaches high priority to strengthening trust within the SCO as well as strengthening relations with partners based on equality, respect and mutual understanding.”

He said, “India’s priorities in the SCO are in line with the Prime Minister’s (Narendra Modi) vision of a ‘secure’ SCO. He said that ‘secure’ means security, economic cooperation, connectivity, unity, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and environmental protection.”

He said that the Security Council resolutions and sanctions on terrorists and their groups should be fully implemented. He said, “The SCO summit held on July 4 in Astana, Kazakhstan, said in its declaration that the international community should isolate and expose those countries that shelter terrorists and support terrorism.”

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Ravindra said, “India shares deep ties with the people of Central Asia.” He said India has offered $1 billion in line of credit for development projects in these countries. The India-Central Asia Dialogue Forum works to strengthen cooperation between India and Central Asian countries.

He further said India’s contract to develop Chabahar port in Iran is “proof of our commitment towards developing Afghanistan as a connectivity hub for Central Asia.”

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershiny, who chaired the meeting, said the SCO, CIS and CSTO have “achieved significant results, including in promoting integration processes, preventing conflicts and combating terrorism.”

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He said, “The SCO’s priority is to combat the threats of terrorism, separatism, extremism, drug trafficking and international organized crime, especially those emanating from Afghanistan.”

China’s Permanent Representative Fu Kang also spoke on the threats of terrorism. He said, “Terrorism, separatism and extremism are major threats to global security.” He said China wants the UN to work with the SCO to “strengthen dialogue and mutual understanding.”