World News

After surrounding India from Pakistan to Nepal and Bhutan, China has now entered this country as well, America warns

Washington: China is using every trick it can to surround India from all sides. To build strategic pressure, China has surrounded India from Pakistan to Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Because by luring these countries with some project or by giving them loans, China has ensured its presence on their land. Now China has started making Bangladesh its new base to further tighten its grip on India. Strategically, this is not a good sign for India. Therefore, America has also expressed concern about this move of China. Along with this, India has also been alerted about this move of China.

America has said that it is concerned about the possibility of China’s increasing presence in Bangladesh. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu told lawmakers during a parliamentary session on Tuesday, “We are concerned about the possibility of China’s growing presence in Bangladesh, but I would say that the Bangladeshi people will not rush into this matter too much and they are very careful about it.” Congressman Bill Keating asked, “In terms of Russia, about Chinese influence in that region in Bangladesh, have you seen any worrying things in this regard?”

MoU on China-Bhutan boundary talks 'breaks deadlock caused by India, paves  way for diplomatic ties' - Global Times

Who has the most influence in Bangladesh right now?

In response to this question, Lu said, “I would say that the most influential country in Bangladesh is actually not Russia or China, but India and we have an active dialogue with India about our policies in Bangladesh and the wider region.” Congressman Young Kim said that the Chinese Communist Party is a major trading partner for Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Afghanistan and these countries are neighbors of America’s strategic partner India.

The Chinese army is surrounding India at these points

Why are the China-Bhutan boundary talks significant? - The Hindu

Along with infiltrating its neighboring countries to strategically surround India from all sides, the presence of China’s “People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is increasing along the Indian border as well as in the Indian Ocean. Aid and cooperation play an important role not only in enhancing American interests in South Asia, but also in increasing their prosperity and keeping the region free and open.”

The Assistant Secretary of State said, “This is a very tense time between the protesters and the government in Bangladesh. We hope that peace will be restored. I am in touch with the senior leaders of Bangladesh. We remain in touch with them to find a more peaceful way to resolve this crisis.” Anjali Kaur, Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Asia Bureau of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), expressed concern over the ongoing violent protests in Bangladesh.