World News

Israeli missiles rained down like death in the West Bank, 9 people died in the attack; captured the city of Jenin

Jerusalem: After Gaza, the Israeli army has now set its target towards the West Bank. Today, Israel carried out several deadly attacks in the West Bank, in which at least 9 Palestinians died. Along with this, the army has surrounded the city of Jenin, which is considered sensitive. Palestinian officials gave this information. Israel has attacked the West Bank almost every day since the Hamas attack on October 7. Palestinian terrorist groups said that their encounter with the Israeli army continues.


Jenin Governor Kamal Abu al-Rab told Palestinian radio that Israeli forces have surrounded the city, closing exit and entry points. Access to hospitals has been blocked. The Palestinian Health Ministry in the West Bank said that Israeli forces have blocked roads leading to a hospital and laid siege to other medical centers in Jenin. The Israeli army has confirmed operations in the West Bank cities of Jenin and Tulkarim but did not give any further information.


Tulkarim city captured along with Jenin

The Israeli army has also captured the city of Tulkarim along with Jenin. Israel Foreign Minister Israel Katz compared it with Gaza and called for similar steps in the West Bank. He said in a post on ‘X’, “We must deal with the threat in the same way as we dealt with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, including temporarily removing Palestinian residents and taking every necessary step. This is a war by all means and we must win it.” Hamas called on Palestinians in the West Bank to stand up against it, saying that these attacks are part of a larger plan to expand the war in Gaza and blamed US support for Israel in the war.


More than 600 deaths in West Bank so far


According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the Israeli army has killed more than 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since the war began in Gaza more than 10 months ago. Israel says that this campaign is necessary to eliminate Hamas and other terrorist groups and to stop attacks on Israelis. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that seven people were killed in Tubas, another West Bank city, early on Wednesday and two people in Jenin. The ministry has identified the people killed in Jenin as Qasim Jabarin (25) and Asim Baloot (39).


Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem in the 1967 war. Palestinians want these three places back for a country in the future. Israel has built hundreds of settlements in the West Bank where more than 5,00,000 Jews live. They have Israeli citizenship while 3 million Palestinians live in the West Bank under Israeli mil

itary rule.