Life Style

Try this recipe of fenugreek, curry leaves and onion, hair fall will stop, hair will become thick, long and strong from the root

There are many things found in our kitchen that can take great care of our hair. If your hair is also falling very fast, then to control it, you must try this home remedy of onion, fenugreek and curry leaves. People have been using this intoxicant for centuries. Onion, fenugreek and curry leaves have many such properties that take great care of your hair. So, let’s know how to use them for hair.

These things are a storehouse of properties for hair:

4 ways to get voluminous hair with curry leaves | HealthShots

Onion contains vitamins, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which prevent your hair from falling. Massaging onion juice on the scalp helps hair grow quickly. The sulfur present in onion juice prevents hair from thinning. The proteins present in fenugreek seeds strengthen the hair roots, reduce hair fall and promote the growth of new, healthy hair. Curry leaves contain properties that make hair long and strong. The protein, vitamin B6 and beta carotene present in these leaves prevent hair thinning, improve hair roots and benefit the health of your hair. Coconut oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help keep them healthy along with protecting them from dandruff and infection.

Use it like this:

Put one cup of coconut oil in a pan. Now add 2 chopped onions, 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds and 20 to 25 curry leaves. Now let them cook till it boils. When the oil starts boiling, turn off the gas and after it cools down, close it in an airtight container and apply it on your hair. You will start seeing the effect in a few days.