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If you use tomato in this way, your skin will get a wonderful glow, tanning and dead skin will go away

If your face is also affected by tanning and dead skin, then to remove this, use tomato in your skin care routine. Actually, tomato is very effective in many skin problems. It contains lycopene in abundance. Therefore, by using tomato daily, stubborn dark spots can be removed from the skin, the skin color can be improved and the complexion of the skin can also be improved. So let’s know how you can use tomato in your skin care routine?

Use tomato in these ways:

How To Use Tomato For Your Face |

Tomato and coffee scrub: To get rid of dead skin, make a tomato scrub. Cut a tomato in half from the middle. Now put half a teaspoon of coffee and half a teaspoon of sugar on the half part. Now rub the tomato on your skin with light hands for 10 minutes. This will not only remove dead skin from the skin but also reduce tanning and dark spots. Wash the face after the stipulated time.

Tomato and Aloe Vera Gel: In the next step, add one teaspoon of aloe vera gel on half tomato and massage it gently. Doing this will give instant cooling to the skin. It works to hydrate your skin. Massage your face well.

Tomato and Turmeric: Now to get glow, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric on half a tomato. Now massage the tomato with turmeric on your skin with light hands. Wash your face after 10 minutes. Repeating this routine for a few weeks will remove dirt, tanning and dead skin from your face.