World News

Four predictions of ‘Living Nostradamus’ have come true, you will be shocked to know the fifth

According to The Daily Star, Athos Salome, known as ‘Living Nostradamus’, has claimed that four of his predictions have come true in 2024, including the threat of an incoming asteroid. This 36-year-old Brazilian parapsychologist is known for accurate predictions regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, Elon Musk buying Twitter (now X) and the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Nostradamus and His Prophecies | Britannica

Salome’s latest warning coincides with NASA’s recent confirmation of the asteroid now called ‘God of Chaos’. According to the Near-Earth Object Observation Program, the giant asteroid that Salome predicted would be a matter of concern in July is expected to come close to Earth this Sunday. As Salome’s previous predictions begin to come true, her reputation as a prophet grows, raising a Pandora’s box of questions about the validity and consequences of her predictions.

Speaking to the Daily Star, the Brazilian seer insists that he is not seeking accolades or “unnecessary personal praise”, he just wants public validation of his realized vision. Athos admitted: “I have noticed that, on several occasions, my predictions are adopted by other individuals (not clairvoyants or paranormal experts) who present themselves as the originators of these ideas.”

“On July 28 this year, I posted a video about the asteroid again in my Instagram stories, predicting that NASA would make an announcement in September confirming that the asteroid would enter a collision course with Earth by November. My predictions are not a coincidence. They are grounded and true,” he told the Daily Star. Now look, NASA has confirmed that its Near-Earth Object Observation Program is tracking a massive asteroid called the ‘God of Chaos’. It is expected to pass us at a distance of just 620,000 miles on Sunday.