
Shocking Study Reveals: 40% of Cancer Cases Linked to Obesity – What You Need to Know!

Conducted over a span of four decades and encompassing 4.1 million participants, recent research reveals a startling revelation: obesity-related cancers now afflict 40% of the population.

This study underscores the alarming surge in cancers associated with excess weight, highlighting the burgeoning threat of obesity. Contrary to previous beliefs, the peril of cancer looms larger for those grappling with obesity. The exhaustive research spanning four decades and involving 4.1 million individuals has unearthed a troubling reality: nearly half of the populace now grapples with obesity-linked cancers. Notably, the research identifies 30 distinct types of cancer intricately linked with obesity, a significant escalation from the 13 previously recognized. (Also read | World Obesity Day 2024: Cultivating Healthy Regimens to Combat Childhood Obesity)

While society thrives amidst economic prosperity and burgeoning opportunities, a pervasive shift towards unhealthy dietary habits exacerbates the specter of obesity. Given the exorbitant medical costs that burden individuals grappling with severe illnesses, the repercussions of obesity loom large, threatening to burgeon into a national public health crisis. The deleterious impact of poor dietary choices on health has prompted Indian health authorities to issue advisories advocating for the elimination of junk food from daily diets in favor of embracing healthier lifestyles.

Conducted by Lund University in Malmo, Sweden, this research scrutinizes the weight and lifestyles of over 4.1 million participants across four decades. Examining 122 variations and subtypes of cancer, the study pinpoints 32 specific forms intricately linked with obesity. Among these, 13 were previously identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2016, including breast, bowel, womb, and kidney cancers. This study introduces an additional 19 potential obesity-related cancers, including malignant melanoma, gastric tumors, cancers of the small intestine and pituitary glands, as well as various head and neck cancers, vulvar, and penile cancers.

Moreover, the research highlights a disconcerting correlation: for every five-point increase in BMI – equivalent to a three-stone weight gain for those of healthy weight – the risk of certain cancers escalates by 24% in men and 13% in women.

These findings will be elucidated at the European Congress on Obesity in Venice.