The scorching heat in America broke the record of almost 67 years, mercury crossed 45 degrees; Health alert issued for crores of people

Not only India but America is also suffering from the heat. The temperature reached 44.4 degrees Celsius in Phoenix on Saturday. Midwest states began experiencing intense heat Monday in what the National Weather Service called a dangerous and prolonged heat wave. It is expected to spread from Iowa to Maine by at least Friday. AP, Phoenix. Not only India but America is also suffering from the heat. In view of the heat wave, America has issued a health alert for crores of people on Tuesday. In the first week of the summer season, heat records are being made in many cities including Chicago. The temperature reached near 45 degrees in Phoenix.
The temperature reached 44.4 degrees Celsius in Phoenix on Saturday. Midwest states began experiencing extreme heat Monday in what the National Weather Service called a dangerous and prolonged heat wave. It is expected to spread from Iowa to Maine by at least Friday. 1957 record broken in Chicago
Chicago broke the 1957 record with a temperature of 36.1 degrees Celsius on Monday. The hot and humid weather is expected to continue in Chicago, with temperatures reaching as high as 37.7 degrees Celsius this week, the National Weather Service said in a post on Twitter.

Instructions to people to be alert
Last year too, America faced a record two days of unusually hot weather since 1936. The situation was most dangerous in Phoenix, where 645 people died from heat-related causes, a record. Officials have asked people to remain alert.