World News

For what reasons does this African country want to play a special role in Haiti? – Dunya Jahan

In October 2022, the Caribbean country, Haiti, appealed to the international community for immediate help. Due to hundreds of armed groups, widespread violence and rising inflation, this country was sinking into the quagmire of anarchy.

There was a lot of anger among the people against Prime Minister Ariel Honory. After the assassination of former President Jovonel Moise, Honory took power without elections.

হাইতি: সঙ্কটের আবর্তে

Honory appealed to the United Nations to send an armed force to Haiti to prevent Haiti from falling apart and to avert the deepening humanitarian crisis there.

Two years later, Ariel Honory is out of power, but thousands of people have been killed in Haiti.

Many cities, including the capital Port-au-Prince, have been taken over by armed gangs.